Adam Daley Wilson
One of my personal writing system text-abstract pieces — I call them scrawls — this painting is a complete text narrative written in layers of loose fast handwriting — in ten minutes, over ten layers, four mediums, and six implements, including brush, almost never used by the artist. The piece visually references elements of Cy Twombly, Brice Marden, and Jackson Pollock, among others, and substantively sets forth new possible art-language theories, referencing Rosalind Krauss as to viewer interpretation and meaning-making as well as deconstruction of text theories of Jaques Derrida.
If It Has A Title It Is Art With Words, 2022
oil stick, ink, and crayon on canvas
57 x 56 in 144.8 x 142.2 cm
oil stick, ink, and crayon on canvas
57 x 56 in 144.8 x 142.2 cm