Should It Make You Think Or Should It Just Look Pretty On Your Wall
Adam Daley Wilson
Daley Wilson abandons his scrawling text for a stenciled statement that reads, "Should It Make You Think Or Should It Just Look Pretty On Your Wall.” This presents itself in stark contrast to the compulsive, rushed letters that make up his “personal writing system” series, in which the mode of creation imitates the urgency of the message. Should It Make You Think Or Should It Just Look Pretty On Your Wall presents text as its central visual and conceptual element, and is an early example of Daley Wilson’s "post-theory" conceptual art in which he proposes sets of ideas, inviting the viewer to engage with the theories critically. This piece references the long history of text-based art explored in works by Daley Wilson’s influences including Christopher Wool, Barbara Kruger, Jenny Holzer, Glenn Ligon, William Pope.L, Lawrence Weiner, and others.
Should It Make You Think Or Should It Just Look Pretty On Your Wall, 2016
ink, enamel, spray paint
38 x 32 in
96.5 x 81.3 cm
ink, enamel, spray paint
38 x 32 in
96.5 x 81.3 cm